Mitsubishi Service Center Calicut


Hello and welcome to Mitsubishi Service Center Calicut, your go-to destination for reliable and high-quality service for all your Mitsubishi home appliances. We offer a wide range of services including installation, maintenance, and repair for various Mitsubishi products such as air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, LED and LCD televisions, and RO systems. Please note that we only provide services for products that are no longer under warranty.


Our service center is entirely private and dedicated to providing customized and dependable solutions to our customers. Our skilled technicians at Mitsubishi Service Center Calicut ensure timely and efficient service, restoring your Mitsubishi appliances to their ideal condition.


At Mitsubishi Service Centre Calicut, we take pride in our exemplary proficiency, use of authentic components, and honest service. So, why wait? Schedule a service visit today and get your Mitsubishi home appliances serviced without any difficulty.